Serena Alston Guerini's married life had been uneventful. Living on her family's idyllic Tuscan wine estate, she devoted herself to her only child and to the piano, allowing her husband Massimo to occupy the limelight. The platonic love she received from an old school friend, Claudio, consoled her as Massimo grew more and more distant, focused entirely on the business and local politics. As Serena's ambition to become a professional pianist develops, her life explodes. Massimo becomes fiercely resentful and violent. When Claudio reveals his duplicity, Serena is truly alone, with no one left to trust. She is at a crossroads, suddenly aware that her future lies in her own hands. Her life is in pieces. Should she preserve all that matters to her, or start living the life she wants? She has to make a difficult choice. Or, is there perhaps a third option?