Orphan is the New Orange
OITNO is a parody of both 'Orphan Black' and 'Orange is the New Black'. The main character, Sarah Manning, is sent to a minimum security women's prison (Dyad Institute Prison) after several run-ins with the law. From the moment of entering the prison 'mini van', her experience is unlike any other she's had. As the prison driver reveals herself to Sarah, Sarah sees the spitting image of herself (possibly her long lost twin?). But, that theory is debunked when a detective joins them in the mini van who is also a mirror image of Sarah. In a panic, Sarah gets out of the car only to find a fourth version of herself when it is revealed that she is, in fact, a clone. The Dyad Institute Prison (or, D.I.P.) is a special prison just for the Lyda Clones of Orphan Black.