
2018 Film 14 Min 39 Sec

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What happens when a seemingly ordinary priest is confronted by a seemingly ordinary man? While reading the Bible on a particularly windy day, Father Harris is confronted by a tall stranger, one who makes him question his beliefs and motivations. And all in a quest for the truth, however horrifying. Not even a helpful woman can save this priest, who must make a choice. For not all sins can be forgiven.

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Maureen Nolan
Collar was done very, very well. The actors were all good. The music and song at the end were very good as well. I wasn't sure whether or not the biggest  event would happen or not. I'm not even sure whether or not the priest was telling the truth. The ending was nauseating.  
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Faythe DeMaroney
I liked it, script was good. Threw the years, my movie watching and reading/watching the news, it was sadly predictable.
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Susanna Chisholm
Thought-provoking, powerful script.