Take it From the Top

2019 Webisode 17 Min 11 Sec

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Take it From the Top is a half hour comedy about Jill, former child star, who is now “paying her dues” after the death of her philandering husband. Jill is forced to sell everything she owns because of her dead husband’s depleted bank accounts and is informed of her one remaining asset: a run down strip club in a sketchy part of downtown. In this a riches to rags story, Jill, who has always been accustomed to being taken care of by her overbearing mother and her very wealthy husband, now has to learn to become self sufficient for the first time in her life. With this cast of crazy characters, Jill is quickly realizing that it’s hard starting back at ZERO when you’re 45!

Take it From the Top (2019)

Webseries 1 Season

Season 1
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Jonathan Mangnum
Super funny and charming. I'd love to see more. 
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Nancy Whelan
A bright new look at the lighter side of how many twists can be thrown at a family, tossing their lives upside-down and how they cope in a modern world of blended families, critical parents and kids who are wise beyond their years! Jill Whelan and her real-life son, Harrison have a charming presence. Along with the supporting cast and director, Ted Lange, this is a home run. *****