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James Mills
04/20/2014 Movie review: Connecting the Gems
Few people likely realize that habitat preservation requires more than protecting the areas where different animal species live. Equally important are the paths they take to get there. Habitat corridors are the routes that individual members of a given population -grizzly bears, wolverines, moose, etc-take to move from one place to another. And as they travel they spread their genes as part of a strong and diverse ecosystem. The film Connecting the Gems follows filmmakers Deia Schlosberg and Gregg Treinish as they walk along the 500-mile trail of animals in and around Yellowstone National Park. Their journey through this short documentary aims to help raise awareness for the delicate balance between human expansion and the undisturbed pathways that allow a variety of different species to survive as well as thrive. A good introduction to concept of animal migration this intimate little film offers a ground-angle view from the perspective of those who walk the land in search of new habitats to call home.
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